Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BPA in the News

A Hard Plastic Is Raising Hard Questions
By TARA PARKER-POPE, NY Times, 4/22/08
What about canned food and drinks?

While much of the focus is on plastic bottles, most human exposure occurs through the lining of canned foods. Canned beverages appear to contain less of the chemical than canned foods like soup, pasta, fruits and vegetables, which are often processed at high temperatures. Virtually every canned product, even those labeled organic, has a liner with BPA. One brand, Eden Organic Baked Beans, says it uses a BPA-free can.

Earlier articles mentioned canned soda but not soups, chef boyardee or canned yams.

BPA is ubiquitous, so even if you ditch your nalgene in favor of a sigg, you won't be rid of it.

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